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Click any of the links below to explore a variety of perspectives.
Each page offering different views about areas of life. 
In short easy to watch videos
So should you have 5 minutes to watch one, or get lost in them for an hour
I hope they assist you to your clarity

Often in life, we don't want accept the reality of where we are, and this can actually stop us being able to move forward. 
We so desperately want to be somewhere else that we and up giving our internal navigation system inaccurate directions
Whereas if we accept the truth of where we are, we can move forward on a clear and true path

Take Your Power Back - Own Your Ripple

Take Your Power Back - Own Your Ripple

Allow your love and care of self, to create a magnificent ripple to all around you ❤️ Own your ripple my beautiful friends ❤️ Every thought that becomes a word, every word that becomes an action, will ripple out to the way we treat ourselves and that and those around us. At the moment we are facing much that can lead us to fear, the changes in our climate (from which ever of the thousands of reasons it could be), the devastation and rape of our earth, mental health decline in so many, our health, Coronavirus, the list is limitless. But if we embody that fear, we will ripple that fear, which will only lead to more of that which we are fearing (plus, we dont know that what we are fearing is bad anyway, maybe that's just one perspective of it, from where we sit now) So OWN YOUR RIPPLE, Ripple out that which is good, ripple out that love, ripple out that which gives us back our power. So that we do look after and care for ourselves, others, our planet better. And our health, immune systems, smiles, happiness, earth, will give all that is good, back to us. It begins with a smile in the mirror ☺ Shifting that doubt of self, to an understanding of self 🤗 Swapping that fear in your mind to something you're grateful for 🙏 Playing that song 🎶 💃 Doing that which brings you joy 🏖️ Being patient with where you're at right now 🧘🏼‍♀️ Being grateful for all you were and now are, because of those experiences ☯️ Putting in that extra effort 🚶🏼‍♀️ Staying true, focused and committed to your passion 👊 Giving back to mother earth 🌎 Asking if they're ok and being OK with it if they're not💁‍♀️ Offering that extra hand💆‍♀️ It all ripples out So be the change, start with the one in the mirror, love and nurture you Own Your Ripple Ripple out that love Ripple out the epicness, wonder and uniqueness that is you 💞 Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - Website - Translating Truth

There are so many ways, times, circumstances, moments in which we can feel powerless.

Yet there is so much power in choice.

We just don't always realise that we have one.

Journey To Self - The value in going within

Journey To Self - The value in going within

Discovering who WE are, is such a joyful journey. It is one that allows you to feel into, own accept, appreciate and love, all that you are, and that you are becoming. Taking the time, to get to know ourselves, to understand our choices, our perspectives, can offer us so much growth and bring about genuine gratitude and love of life. Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - Website - Translating Truth Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Discovering who WE are, is such a joyful journey. It is one that allows you to feel into, own accept, appreciate and love, all that you are, and that you are becoming. Taking the time, to get to know ourselves, to understand our choices, our perspectives, can offer us so much growth and bring about genuine gratitude and love of life. To watch the full webinar go to To hear new perspectives on how you can venture deeper into the evolving you, check out this playlist. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - Subscribe To YouTube - www.TranslatingTruth.comWelcome to Translating TruthWelcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Accepting the reality of what is taking place for us, is one of the fastest, most efficient, progressive ways, to move forward from that which we no longer which to be experiencing & to create new experiences. View this playlist here to see more ways which you can find empowerment in Accepting Your Reality Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - Subscribe To YouTube -
Journey To Self - Simply being you

Journey To Self - Simply being you

Discovering who WE are, is such a joyful journey. It is one that allows you to feel into, own accept, appreciate and love, all that you are, and that you are becoming. Taking the time, to get to know ourselves, to understand our choices, our perspectives, can offer us so much growth and bring about genuine gratitude and love of life. Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - Website - Translating Truth Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Discovering who WE are, is such a joyful journey. It is one that allows you to feel into, own accept, appreciate and love, all that you are, and that you are becoming. Taking the time, to get to know ourselves, to understand our choices, our perspectives, can offer us so much growth and bring about genuine gratitude and love of life. To hear new perspectives on how you can venture deeper into the evolving you, check out this playlist. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - Subscribe To YouTube - www.TranslatingTruth.comWelcome to Translating TruthWelcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Accepting the reality of what is taking place for us, is one of the fastest, most efficient, progressive ways, to move forward from that which we no longer which to be experiencing & to create new experiences. View this playlist here to see more ways which you can find empowerment in Accepting Your Reality Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - Subscribe To YouTube -
Journey To Self - What it can do

Journey To Self - What it can do

Discovering who WE are, is such a joyful journey. It is one that allows you to feel into, own accept, appreciate and love, all that you are, and that you are becoming. Taking the time, to get to know ourselves, to understand our choices, our perspectives, can offer us so much growth and bring about genuine gratitude and love of life. Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - Website - Translating Truth Discovering who WE are, is such a joyful journey. It is one that allows you to feel into, own accept, appreciate and love, all that you are, and that you are becoming. Taking the time, to get to know ourselves, to understand our choices, our perspectives, can offer us so much growth and bring about genuine gratitude and love of life. Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - Website - Translating Truth
Journey To Self - IN-Tuition

Journey To Self - IN-Tuition

Discovering who WE are, is such a joyful journey. It is one that allows you to feel into, own accept, appreciate and love, all that you are, and that you are becoming. Taking the time, to get to know ourselves, to understand our choices, our perspectives, can offer us so much growth and bring about genuine gratitude and love of life. Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - Website - Translating Truth Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Discovering who WE are, is such a joyful journey. It is one that allows you to feel into, own accept, appreciate and love, all that you are, and that you are becoming. Taking the time, to get to know ourselves, to understand our choices, our perspectives, can offer us so much growth and bring about genuine gratitude and love of life. To hear new perspectives on how you can venture deeper into the evolving you, check out this playlist. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - Subscribe To YouTube - www.TranslatingTruth.comWelcome to Translating TruthWelcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Accepting the reality of what is taking place for us, is one of the fastest, most efficient, progressive ways, to move forward from that which we no longer which to be experiencing & to create new experiences. View this playlist here to see more ways which you can find empowerment in Accepting Your Reality Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - Subscribe To YouTube -

The journey to self is not always an easy path to walk and sometimes we may find ourselves feeling uninspired or blocked. Some of the videos below may help keep that inspiration alive. Allow yourself to remember the importance of discovering and witnessing who you are.

Stillness - 1 minute to Self

Stillness - 1 minute to Self

Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - Website - Translating Truth Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - Website - Translating Truth Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. To view the full webinar click here Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - Subscribe To YouTube - www.TranslatingTruth.comWelcome to Translating Truth

Every now and then, we just want to have that moment of calm of clarity of stillness, within our mind. 
Yet, it's not always easy to attain.
Below are some short videos that offer little tips that can help you achieve this state of being

Explore different ways in which using intention and being aware of how it's truly being used, can empower you and your life

How often do we respond as opposed to genuinely feeling into or thinking about something? Often our responses can come from needing to protect ourselves, or that which we believe in. But this can often limit what we receive. Allow yourself to be aware of when you're responding and when you're allowing yourself to be present to that which is taking place.

Our Projection - What are we really Projecting

Our Projection - What are we really Projecting

Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - Website - Translating Truth Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - Website - Translating Truth Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. To view the full webinar click here Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - Subscribe To YouTube - www.TranslatingTruth.comWelcome to Translating Truth

What are you really projecting to the world? We often think that we are creating an affirmation, wanting something setting a goal and intention, offering love to people or information. Yet when we share this information, what is it that we're actually projecting?

What is the vibration we're emitting

There is so much that we often think we need to have the answers to. 
Yet even sometimes when we have the answers, they remain unknown. 
What is about to take place? How it will play out is all unknown. 
Finding a space where you can be okay with things being unknown, can offer you much empowerment

Our Knowing - We don't know what we know

Our Knowing - We don't know what we know

Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - Website - Translating Truth Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - Website - Translating Truth Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Listening to, identifying & remaining true, to our intuition, is not always easy, and often very diffficult. By taking the time, to understand ourselves, brings about confidence in that which we know, about ourselves, our lives, our surroundings and so much more It is a powerful step to take, and one that can but be rewarded. Click here to view other ways in which we can acknowledge and perceive our intuition. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - Subscribe To YouTube - www.TranslatingTruth.comWelcome to Translating TruthWelcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Accepting the reality of what is taking place for us, is one of the fastest, most efficient, progressive ways, to move forward from that which we no longer which to be experiencing & to create new experiences. View this playlist here to see more ways which you can find empowerment in Accepting Your Reality Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - Subscribe To YouTube -

Think back to how much you learned at school. Throughout various studies, projects or passions, think about how much you've learned from others or experiences. Yet when we were asked questions, we can't always call upon the knowledge within. It is there, yet often so clouded and confused by so much else. Allow yourself the opportunity to see what you already know.

My Journey - How accepting reality shifted for me

My Journey - How accepting reality shifted for me

Discovering who WE are, is such a joyful journey. It is one that allows you to feel into, own accept, appreciate and love, all that you are, and that you are becoming. Taking the time, to get to know ourselves, to understand our choices, our perspectives, can offer us so much growth and bring about genuine gratitude and love of life. Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - Website - Translating Truth Accepting the reality of what is taking place for us, is one of the fastest, most efficient, progressive ways, to move forward from that which we no longer which to be experiencing & to create new experiences. View this playlist here to see more ways which you can find empowerment in Accepting Your Reality Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - Website - Translating Truth
My Journey - The happy stresshead

My Journey - The happy stresshead

Discovering who WE are, is such a joyful journey. It is one that allows you to feel into, own accept, appreciate and love, all that you are, and that you are becoming. Taking the time, to get to know ourselves, to understand our choices, our perspectives, can offer us so much growth and bring about genuine gratitude and love of life. Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - Website - Translating Truth Welcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Occasionally, I will also share things about me and my journey. If you would like to hear more about it, you can check out this playlist Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - Subscribe To YouTube - www.TranslatingTruth.comWelcome to Translating TruthWelcome to Translating Truth We are here to share a few perspectives from time to time about different aspects and perspectives of life and consciousness. Accepting the reality of what is taking place for us, is one of the fastest, most efficient, progressive ways, to move forward from that which we no longer which to be experiencing & to create new experiences. View this playlist here to see more ways which you can find empowerment in Accepting Your Reality Be True Be You Be Love You can email to or connect with us via Facebook - Instagram - Subscribe To YouTube -

This is just a little bit about me and my journey

We may often experience discomforts in life or self and we're not sure why. 
Yet, when we bring awareness to that, which is truly taking place within us and around us, a lot more of those things can begin to make sense.

Oh mother, how you share inspire and awaken. 

Simply siting and observing the flow of nature, her presence, her wisdom, her evolution, her beauty, can reflect back to us, the evolution, the wisdom, the beauty of self

Time is the one thing we will never get back. Time can offer many lessons when reflected upon and when being experienced. Often we expect things at certain times or hope for things at certain times, yet we don't have control of that. Gaining different perspectives of time itself can help us come into a much clearer calmer state of being.

The very fact that we are alive right now is magic. 

Life offers so many ways of showing us how truly magic it is.

Breath is life, literally.

And when felt into with a clear vibration can be powerful beyond recognition. 

If you are presently experiencing discomfort in self, or life, from a situation, thought, mindset, belief or doubt, now if a profound time, to see the power and freedom you can feel from this,

By recognising the areas in which we can take action now to create a shift. 

Transformation can often take place when we, our selves,

choose to shift our current vibration or thoughts, and open ourselves to new experiences within the mind, unleashing new pathways and elevated perspectives

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